Skeletools is your best source to find quality protective gear.

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For those about to DROP WE PROTECT YOU!

Skeletools protective gear is your best source to find quality crash pads with low density flexible plastic laminate backing on half-inch of 'cush' padding that protects in real impact with complete comfort.

Excellent body armor great for skiing protective gear, snowboarding protective gear, motocross protective gear, mountain biking protective gear, skateboarding protective gear, mountain boarding protective gear, BMX protective gear.

Basically Skeletools protects for any down hill sport that you are active in. Or for that matter, any traditional sport that you participate in. It's your sport. It's your body. We've created a crash pad system that works for both.

Thanks to our removable pad system, you can create just the right barrier for your body, and your sport. Easily add or remove pads as you need them. And it all hides well under your regular clothing - whatever your sport.

Find padded impact shorts here. Find padded impact upper body gear here. Find elbow and knee pads here. We have the best value for your money at Skeletools.

Skeletube tutorial videos.
Watch four videos of Skeletools gear.
Watch Skelenate explain the impact gear and show you features of each product.

Skeletools gear saves customer Eric Zuaro's LIFE! He writes us to say.

"Thank you for providing such wonderful protective gear. I was in a very large avalanche about a week ago and sustained some pretty heavy injuries: broken back, broken ribs, punctured lung, broken scapula. The doctors say that had I not been wearing the impact vest and impact shorts that I would have died from trauma. Here are two pics of me in action."

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Watch over 30 videos for extreme entertainment.

Great videos of kite boarding, snowmobiling, snowboarding, skiing, mountain biking, mountain boarding, motocross, skateboarding, bmx racing, inline skating, and para gliders all performing incredible stunts and tricks as well as all out white knuckle speed. Of course the nasty carnage that results when their attempts fall short. Whether it is their own fault or nature or another enthusiast that causes a total wreck. Check them out and try not to look away.

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